Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cold and Gray

The sun broke through the clouds yesterday for awhile, but today it is back to cold, windy and rainy. The last few months have been miserable. The constant cold rain has added several inches of water to our once nice basement floor. Everybody tends to get sick in this kind of weather too. However, another moment of light breaking through the gray was that yesterday I finished all my written exams for ordination and soon will face my oral trials. Now it is time to relax for a few days for Christmas. The birth of Jesus--the incarnation of God himself, of course, being the greatest light shining into the darkness...check out Isaiah 9:2-7, and John 1:1-14. Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Student Once Again

I've been studying church history for weeks now to take another Ordination test this afternoon. Then I will only have 1 written exam left (Greek). Can you identify these important men from the Reformation?