Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quick Update / Overveiw

The new year of 2010 is the sink or swim year for the East Delco church plant. We are aggressively marketing the area for our "preview" services that begin on Easter and run once a month until the big launch service on September 12th. We are also campaigning for another Christianity Explored class once again being offered at Cocco's Pizza. We will likewise do another Summer Camp for kids through Child Evangelism Fellowship, hopefully in June. Our Sunday Night Fellowship has started back up for the semester and we are slowly growing a worship team and learning songs. There are many pieces that must come together over the approaching months for this project to be successful. Please pray that God will glorify himself through our efforts and do a mighty work. We are getting excited about the potential for another Bible teaching church espousing the glorious doctrines of grace to this community and impacting people's lives with the Kingdom of God.