Thursday, February 18, 2010

Holy Snow, Batman

The most snow I've ever seen. The kids have had a blast. We have had over 6 feet of snow this winter and more expected next week. Several things were canceled including Christianity Explored class last Wednesday and my Church Planter Community meeting. Thankfully I have plenty of work to do right here in the house.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Sometimes I look around parts of our local community and I am repeatedly taken back by the shear mass of humanity living on top of each other. I think such tight housing could be fine if you really knew your neighbors well, but sounds fairly challenging considering fewer and fewer people know their own neighbors at all. These communities are increasingly transient when they were once highly stable. With so much change comes opportunity for the gospel to shine. Make no mistake, if we are successful in starting a church community up here it is the work of God and be careful to give Him all the glory! Please keep praying as we continue making plans towards our launch and preview services. Also, check out our prayer updates.