Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Prayer Update

Please check out our new prayer requests!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Street Hockey

A while ago, before we got the flu, we went to the birthday party of one of the kids in our Bible study group. I took on the lot of kids at a game of street hockey. Boy did I turn into a sweaty mess; I am way too out of shape! The good news is that I still have a serious slap shot after all these years. We had a blast and I made sure each of the kids got to score. Then it was off to stuff cake, ice-cream and more soda into my fat face.

Healthy Again

We are back to feeling normal now, except for a remnant cough. My wife said that was the sickest she has been in a very long time. Thank you to those who prayed for us! The kids are feeling good and we are ready for the summer. We have our Kid's Summer Club 2009 next week at a local park. It is put on by Child Evangelism Fellowship and hopefully will be a way for us to meet lots of new people. I printed a flier and me and a buddy dropped 200 of them this evening. I will post after it is over and upload some photos.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Please pray for us, as we have the flu. The twins seems to be done with it, but it can also strike back with pneumonia. Chip is down right now and I have been fighting it for 8 days with few symptoms other than moments of extreme fatigue. Elena seems to be a holdout...we shall see. We have had to cancel our group and we are tired. Thanks for your support and prayers!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Updated Prayer and Praise

A huge thanks to all of you who regularly check this blog in order to pray for us! The thought of many people praying encourages me to keep going, trusting that God will bring fruit.


Well, I did my third wedding back in Virginia for a guy who grew up on my street. He was one of the youngest kids on the block and I teased him a lot. Then he grew up to be bigger than me! It was an honor to do the wedding and I made sure everybody heard the gospel. I did however, forget to tell everyone to sit down, so eventually the congregation just sat down on their own. Whoops! can't win them all.