Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In need of a diet

There is a reason why Philly was rated as one of the worst cities for diet and health related issues. There are cheesesteak, pizza, and burger joints everywhere and a Duncan Donuts on every corner. However, there are also excellent ethnic restaurants of any flavor, and that also gives me a problem. I need to go on a diet! I continue to slam freezer pops (high fructose corn syrup) left over from last weeks Kid's Summer Club. BTW, the Club was rained-out twice and dwindled after a very successful opening day. Perhaps some of the people we met will come out to Bible study. Anyway, back to the diet... I have taken several short trips recently and seen many visitors and friends and that always lends itself to eating too much. I just bought some new running shoes and hope to see some improvement soon. The only problem is after you buy the shoes you have to use them. Be sure to see our ever changing prayer list on the side. Thanks to all you supporters!

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