Friday, August 21, 2009

Scratching dry ground

"I'm Irish, I'm Catholic, that's the end of it!" This was the response of a man I spoke with about church after building a relationship over the course of several months. I was sure I had earned the right to be heard, but the church traditions and family heritage of my neighbors are proving to be a powerful force. Most of the people I have met in East Delco do not read their Bibles, do not like their church enough to attend regularly and otherwise do not know what they believe. I would say the Catholic faith of my neighbors is not so much a faith as it is an identity. Despite being disenfranchised, a fierce loyalty that seems to exist at the center of their person will not allow them to consider church options that might provide greater abundance than what they currently experience. Jesus wants us to know him, not just know about him. He desires a relationship, not merely an association. Our identity needs to be wrapped up in the gospel and not so much our church traditions, styles, ethnicity, nationality, philosophy of ministry, etc. God places us in a new family and an ancient tradition when we trust in Christ and that must inform the very core of our person. Will you pray that hundreds of people who think they are right with God, but do not know the gospel of grace would be transformed by God working through our efforts? Do you have the courage to pray for even more than that? I am not capable of scratching dry ground forever, nor do I have any power to save; I am only a beggar trying to show other beggars where to find food, but God will answer your prayers for the sake of his name and his kingdom. Please remember this ministry in your times of intercession. May God be glorified and let us thank him for all he will do even before we ask!


Scott Moore said...

Praying with you! Thanks for giving your lives away!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing... my parents share similar sentiments ministering on Long Island, NY... Just lifted you up in prayer after reading this. Tell Chip hi for me (Julie Brown not Josh)